Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Tooth and Easter Blessings...

Micah has had a "cold" for about a week and a half. Well, it wasn't getting better and he started sounding really hoarse so yesterday I took him to the doctor. Come to find out...he has a little white tooth popping out!!! Supposedly teething causes sinus drainage, which in turn causes a sore throat. Who knew? Better safe than sorry! We are headed to Denver today to visit the grandparents. Hopefully he won't be too fussy from this little tooth! He seems pretty happy today though so it should go good! Happy Easter to Everybody! Love you all!!!!


shellycoulter said...

Way to go, Micah! Enjoy the gummy toothless grin while you can...before you know it, he will have a mouthful! ; ) Happy Easter!

Lorie said...

Teething is so hard! But having teeth is so fun! ;D

They get big so fast.
